Thought Leadership
The Super Powers of Internal Consultants
In the mid 1990’s I was asked to take on a role that, quite unexpectedly, required me to be an ‘Internal Consultant’. This was all new to me. I had …
Business Alignment
Connect the dots!! What’s the first thing that pops into your head when you hear that? Perhaps you see a series of dots connected by lines that zigzag across a …
The Elephant in the Room has a Name
“Leadership is acknowledging there is an elephant in the room.” Unknown Today I want to share a perspective on ‘management’, given the current state of the world of work. The …
Making Sense of Sense-Making
If ever you thought disconnect and dysfunction don’t happen in your organization, I invite you to read this post by my colleague and guest writer, Geoff Marlow. By Geoff Marlow, …
Defy the False Prophecies of a Recession
“It was the best of times; it was the worst of times . . . . “A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens, 1859. Nostradamus was one of the best-known …